Thursday, January 15, 2009

You're Such a Tease

I thought I was already fever-&-headache-free so I went out to catch up on what I've been missing on my 4-day leave from work. I met up with my dear friend Sky and had light dinner & a little shopping on the side. We also went on a photoshoot frenzy at Postrio and the crew was kind enough to indulge our every vain & selfish request. e.g. "The light here is not so good on my skin tone. Can you turn on the yellow light please?" Lol.

I felt something was wrong with my left eye the entire time (so glad I was wearing my sunnies despite being indoors). Turned out that I was experiencing another episode of eye irritation due to my history of eye contact use. Thus the reason why my eye is red & swollen right now. I'm even thinking of wearing an eye patch tomorrow at work if only I won't look like some Pirates-of-the-Caribbean-wannabe.

And so, while I recover from my multitude of sickness, I'll leave you with the scene when Sky and I parted ways for each of our homes:

(in a cab where I'm about to drop Sky off)

Sky: D***ng is a distant relative of mine and we had wild sex together. I'll leave you with that and that's all I'm gonna say.
OverdressedMe: Oh Sky, you're such a tease. Tata, darling.
Sky: (laugh out loud) Bye, darling. (Sky gets off the cab with a smirk on his face.)

Cab Driver: What is he? Gay?
OverdressedMe: (only giggles)

On me: another mustard top (thrifted still), unknown black skinnys, Norma Desmond bracelet, CLN pumps, Figlia oversized bag


Anonymous said...

Sky - LOL ;)

hanna said...

your shades are cute!

Overdressed Me said...

thanks a lot! they're gold-gilded. good new is I only got them from Penshoppe for Php199 :-)