Busy as a bumble bee. And by this I don't mean at all that I've been busy at work.
I wish!
Jumax wishes too.
Or not.
I wish!
Jumax wishes too.
Or not.
Jumax is my recent addition to my ever-dwindling list of true friends. She doesn't know shi*t about fashion even if her life depended on it. She can't tell the difference between a Carlos Santana pair of shoes and a Manolo. And yet, she's the coolest friend I have!
We eat lunch together and talk about love-hate relationships and we whine like Jessica Zafra on her best days. And best of all, she doesn't mind that I'm always overdressed.
I miss her terribly on weekends and I swear I hyperventilate everytime I think of April 10.
Damn separation anxiety! This one's for you Jumax... fashion guru or not.
Anyway, when I mentioned busy as a bumble bee, I meant the print on my dress. I had to be very careful not to go overboard with my accessories, else I'll end up looking like I was a freaking Christmas tree complete with blinking lights in different colors.
On me: George dress from Walmart, Promod double-strand belt, Charles & Keith convertible bag, Fossil watch, double-strand MJ platforms from Leaveland
im still doing my countdown D. But it doesnt mean i wont be missing you. I'll join you for lunch if you need a lunchmate, ill be unemployed soon so i have all the time when im not studying of course.
i miss you already, Queen D! :0)
emax is going to lose one of the rare great coaches..
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